Friday, September 2, 2016

Baby Update: 2 months old

We made it eight weeks.  That seems like such a small milestone in print but dang, living it feels like a lifetime.  :)  Here's the latest...

Eight week appointment (8/31/16) stats:
Height: 22.25" (16%)     Weight: 11lbs 7.6oz (28%)     Head Circumference: 39cm (44%)

Sleep:  Typically you wake up twice a night but we had one night this week with just one wake up.  You LOVE to lay with Mom or Dad and snuggle up.

Eat: Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat.  You eat every 2.5-3 hours.  During the day you eat 4 ounces and at night you are good with just 2 ounces.  Mommy leaves 2-3 breastmilk bottles for the day and you have formula at night.  (Thank you Baby Brezza)

Mood: You are happy most of the time.  You give us about a 60 second warning you are ready for food and a second reminder shortly after that before sounding the alarm.  You try to mimic our facial expressions and love to hear yourself make noises.

Development: You can roll from your back to your side, follow objects with your eyes (you just discovered the TV) and are starting to show interest in a rattle toy.  You enjoy tummy time but get frustrated when you can't scoot around.  We just started to use your Boppy to give you a little more independence.  You started to put weight on your legs when we hold you up.

Social: You love everyone you meet.  Mommy has barely taken you anywhere but Daddy takes you out and about.  You came to Mom's work to meet her co-workers this week and cuddled with everyone that held you.  Your cousins see you often and you are always content when they hold you.

Stroller & Carseat: You like both but can get a little impatient when the car isn't rolling.  

Baths: Ahhhhhh, you love bath time.  It relaxes you and you go right to sleep after you are dressed. 

Mom and Dad have loved every minute of your existence.  We are so proud to call you our son.  xoxo

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