Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekend Rewind: Soccer + Charity Kickball Tournament

YESSSS!  I am feeling so much better.  I woke up Friday sick again and finally took my behind to the doctor. My doctor couldn't see me so I went to an Urgent Care by my office.  It took four (yes, four) attempts at getting into an office but I finally did and was diagnosed with a sinus infection.  I got antibiotics Friday and was significantly better yesterday.

Saturday we had a soccer game at 11:00 and it was smoking hot.  My forehead got toasted.  Our little team won again.  We are undefeated this season so far and they are playing so great.  It's very rewarding to see them finding new personal bests and giving it their all.
A friend asked me to play in a kickball game for charity on Sunday.  I thought it was just one game but it was a full-day tournament.  There were ore than 10 teams and we played SIX 50-minute games. OMG.  It was a charity fundraiser.  It's a heartbreaking story.  A 17 year old high school senior and baseball player in our area was diagnosed with lukemia.  Even worse, he was originally diagnosed with ALL T-Cell and two weeks later, AML was also found. Less than 5% of people with Leukemia have two forms of this cancer. With two forms of leukemia, he needs a Stem Cell Transplant so it was a fundraiser for his family. His brother is a match for the stem cells but the procedures and his medical care are several hours away and a single mom is doing all this on her own.  So sad.

The fields were packed.  It was a great day raising money for his family.  A girl on my team won the 50/50 raffle and she gave it to the family.  So sweet.  We played in the heat, rain and 100% humidity. I got there at 8:30 and finally left at 4:00.  We finished third.  Missed the championship game by one point.  Last night was a little quiet.  I came home, showered and crashed.
Kickball is known to have funny team names.........we had a great one.

Meet our team: "Pitches Be Crazy"

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